Buggah Meaning

Da buggah wen eat my grindz!

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Buggah in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: guy, dude, person
USAGE: Da buggah wen eat my grindz!
ENGLISH: That guy ate my food!
Now that you know what Buggah means and you have the translation of Buggah in English. You can learn about Hawaiian Pidgin, sometimes called Hawaiian Slang, is a colorful and creative dialect from Hawaii that emerged from the many ethnic cultures attempting to communicate across their diverse languages. Some might call this a language barrier, but in Hawaii it became a recipe for creativity and self-expression. Like know more? Explore Hawaiian Pidgin History

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Try wait, brah! Get one Buggah story.

buggah go beach

Eh, you guys know dat buggah down da street, Kaimana? He stay one funny kine guy, eh. Always got someting fo' say, always crackin' jokes.

One day, I stay walkin' by his house, and I hear him yell out, "Eh, brah! Come ova' hea'!"

I walk up his driveway, and dea he stay, grinnin' from ear to ear. "Wassup, Kaimana?" I ask.

"Not much, brah," he say. "Jus' tinkin' 'bout goin' fo' one swim latah. You like come?"

I tink 'bout it fo' one second, den I nod, "Shoots, yeah! Sounds good to me."

"Awesome, brah!" Kaimana say. "We go hit up da beach 'round two o'clock den?"

"Rajah!" I tell him. "Can't wait!"

Latah dat afternoon, we meet up at da beach, towels and slippahs in hand. Da sun stay shinin', da water stay warm, and da waves stay lookin' pretty good.

We jump in, splashin' each odda and laughin' like lil' kids. Kaimana, he start tellin' me all kine funny stories, and I can't help but crack up. Dat buggah, he always know how fo' make me laugh.

Afta one while, we get hungry, so we head up to da snack shack fo' grab some grinds. We order two plate lunches and sit down at one picnic table, watchin' da surfers.

"Eh, you see dat guy?" Kaimana point to one guy catchin' one big wave. "He stay one rippin' buggah, eh?"

I nod, "Fo' real! He get skills."

We finish our food, den head back to da water fo' one mo' swim befo' da sun go down. As we floatin' dere, lookin' up at da sky, I feel so grateful fo' my friendship wit' Kaimana. He stay one good buggah, always dea fo' make me laugh and have one good time.

When da sun start fo' set, we say our goodbyes and head home. I smile to myself, tinkin' 'bout all da fun we had. "Lucky fo' have one friend like Kaimana," I tell myself. "He stay da best kine buggah."