Da Kine Meaning

Eh Aunty, pass me da kine!

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Da Kine in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: that thing, that kind, thing-a-ma-jig, whatever, whatchamacallit
USAGE: Eh Aunty, pass me da kine!
ENGLISH: Excuse me, ma'am, please pass that to me.
Now that you know what Da Kine means and you have the translation of Da Kine in English. You can learn about Hawaiian Pidgin, sometimes called Hawaiian Slang, is a colorful and creative dialect from Hawaii that emerged from the many ethnic cultures attempting to communicate across their diverse languages. Some might call this a language barrier, but in Hawaii it became a recipe for creativity and self-expression. Like know more? Explore Hawaiian Pidgin History

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Try wait, brah! Get one Da Kine story.

Enjoying Da Kine at Da Beach

"Eh brah, you goin' beach today?" Kai ask Lono, layin' back on his hammock.

"Shoots, yeah. Sun stay shinin', waves stay pumpin', perfect day fo' da kine," Lono say, grabbin' his board.

"Da kine wat? You goin' surf o' jus' chill?" Kai raise one eyebrow.

"Eh, da kine... all of da kine!" Lono laugh. "Maybe catch couple waves, maybe jus' lay in da sand, eat some grinds... you know, da kine."

Kai grin, "Sounds good to me. I bring da kine fo' make musubi, you bring da kine fo' drink, yeah?"

"Shoots, brah. I get you covered. I bring one whole cooler of da kine!"

Later dat day, dey settle down on da beach, da sun warm on dia skin, da sound of da waves soothin' dia soul.

"Eh, Kai, pass me da kine, yeah?" Lono point to da cooler.

Kai toss him one ice-cold can, "Hea', brah. Enjoy da kine."

Dey stay talk story, laugh, and watch da surfers. One guy catch one massive wave, ride it all da way to da shore.

"Whooooa, dat guy stay da kine!" Lono exclaim.

"Fo' real," Kai agree. "He get skills, brah. Da kine surfer you no mess wit'."

As da sun start fo' set, paintin' da sky wit' all kine colors, dey pack up dea stuff.

"Eh Lono, mahalo fo' today, brah. Stay da kine day, yeah?"

"Shoots, anytime, Kai. We gotta do dis mo' often. Jus' relax, enjoy da beach, da kine life, yeah?"

"Yessah! Da kine life is da best kine life."

Dey walk back to da cars, feelin' content and happy. 'Cause sometimes, all you need is good company, good food, and da beauty of Hawai'i fo' have da kine day you no goin' forget.