Hammajang Meaning

Oh, no can work ova dea! Dat place stay all hammajang!

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Hammajang in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: messed up, mixed up, confused, unorganized
USAGE: Oh, no can work ova dea! Dat place stay all hammajang!
ENGLISH: No way could I ever be productive there, it is too disorganized.
Now that you know what Hammajang means and you have the translation of Hammajang in English. You can learn about Hawaiian Pidgin, sometimes called Hawaiian Slang, is a colorful and creative dialect from Hawaii that emerged from the many ethnic cultures attempting to communicate across their diverse languages. Some might call this a language barrier, but in Hawaii it became a recipe for creativity and self-expression. Like know more? Explore Hawaiian Pidgin History

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