Hewa Meaning

I no like shop dea, stay hewa!

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Hewa in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: wrong, mistake, blunder, mismanaged, (opposite of pono)
USAGE: I no like shop dea, stay hewa!
ENGLISH: I don't care to shop at that establishment, it is so disorganized and poorly managed.
Now that you know what Hewa means and you have the translation of Hewa in English. You can learn about Hawaiian Pidgin, sometimes called Hawaiian Slang, is a colorful and creative dialect from Hawaii that emerged from the many ethnic cultures attempting to communicate across their diverse languages. Some might call this a language barrier, but in Hawaii it became a recipe for creativity and self-expression. Like know more? Explore Hawaiian Pidgin History

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Try wait, brah! Get one Hewa story.

GPS in Hawaii is so HewaEh, you guys rememba dat time we wen' go road trip to Volcanoes National Park? We wen' rent one car wit' GPS, yeah? Supposed fo' make our drive easy, but end up, stay mo' like one comedy show.

We punch in da address, and da GPS lady start talkin', all proper-like, "Proceed to da designated route." We all laugh, 'cause who talk like dat in Hawaiʻi, brah?

Anyway, we start drivin', followin' da GPS lady's instructions. But eh, afta one while, we notice someting hewa. Da road stay gettin' mo' and mo' narrow, all bumpy and full of potholes.

"Eh, I tink dis GPS stay takin' us da wrong way," I tell my cuz.

He look at da screen, scratch his head, "Yeah, brah, dis no look right. We supposed to be on one highway, not one dirt road in da middle of nowhere."

We try fo' turn around, but da road stay too narrow. We stuck, brah. We start fo' get worried, 'cause da sun stay gettin' low, and we no know how long dis hewa road goin' go.

Den, all of a sudden, we hear one noise. We look up, and eh, one helicopter stay flyin' overhead! It circle us couple times, den land in one clearing nearby.

One guy jump out, walkin' towards us wit' one big smile. "Eh, you guys lost?" he ask.

We nod, sheepishly. "Yeah, brah. Our GPS wen' take us da wrong way."

Da guy laugh, "Das happen plenny times 'round hea'. Lucky fo' you guys, I wen' see you from da air. Hop in, I give you one ride back to da main road."

We couldn't believe our luck! We wen' so grateful fo' dat guy's kokua. He wen' even tell us 'bout some cool spots fo' check out on da way back.

From dat day on, we learned our lesson. No trust da GPS all da time, brah. Sometimes, it's all hewa and you gotta use yo' own common sense, o' else you might end up on one road to nowhere!