Kuleana Meaning

No make all pilau, dis my kuleana

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Kuleana in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: right, privilege, concern, responsibility, business
USAGE: No make all pilau, dis my kuleana
ENGLISH: Don't make this dirty, it is my responsibility
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Try wait, brah! Get one Kuleana story.

The Aina is Our Kuleana

Tūtū Mālia been one wahine who live by her kuleana, eh. She get one small farm up in Kula, Maui, whea she grow all kine veggies and fruits. Every morning, befo' da sun even come up, she already stay outside, tendin' to her crops.

One day, her mo'opuna, Liko, come visit fo' da summa'. He one city boy, neva do no kine hard work in his life. Tūtū Mālia see dis, and she decide fo' teach him 'bout kuleana.

"Liko," she say, "You goin' help me on da farm dis summa'. We all get kuleana fo' take care of da 'āina, da land."

Liko make one face, "But Tūtū, I no know how fo' farm."

Tūtū Mālia smile, "Dass okay, you goin' learn. Come, I show you how fo' plant kalo."

At first, Liko stay grumblin' small kine. Da sun stay hot, da work stay hard, and his hands stay gettin' all dirty. But Tūtū Mālia, she patient. She teach him how fo' pull weeds, water da plants, and harvest da fruits of dea labor.

Slowly but surely, Liko start fo' enjoy da work. He like da feeling of da sun on his back, da smell of da fresh earth, da satisfaction of seein' da plants grow big and strong. He even start fo' take pride in his kuleana, makin' sure everyting stay watered and cared for.

One day, Tūtū Mālia tell him, "Liko, I proud of you. You learnin' da true meaning of kuleana. It's not jus' 'bout takin' from da land, it's 'bout givin' back, too."

Liko smile, "Mahalo, Tūtū. I undastand now. Dis farm, it's mo' den jus' plants, yeah? It's our kuleana fo' make sure it stay healthy and strong, so it can feed us and our 'ohana fo' generations to come."

Tūtū Mālia nod, her eyes shinin' wit' pride. She know dat Liko, he goin' carry on da tradition, he goin' take his kuleana seriously. And dass how da 'āina goin' stay no ka 'oi, fo'eva and eva'.