Lepo Meaning

Yo hands stay all lepo afta you play in da mud.

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Lepo in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: dirty, messy
USAGE: Yo hands stay all lepo afta you play in da mud.
ENGLISH: Your hands are all dirty after you played in the mud.
Now that you know what Lepo means and you have the translation of Lepo in English. You can learn about Hawaiian Pidgin, sometimes called Hawaiian Slang, is a colorful and creative dialect from Hawaii that emerged from the many ethnic cultures attempting to communicate across their diverse languages. Some might call this a language barrier, but in Hawaii it became a recipe for creativity and self-expression. Like know more? Explore Hawaiian Pidgin History

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Try wait, brah! Get one Lepo story.

Garage stay all lepo in Hawaii

Aunty Mālia been tryin' fo' clean up her garage fo' da longest time, eh. Everyting stay lepo, all kine junk pile up ova' da years. She tell herself every weekend, "Dis weekend, I goin' organize," but somehow, it neva happen.

One day, her daughter, Leilani, come visit. She take one look at da garage and shake her head. "Mama, dis place stay outta control! We gotta do someting 'bout all dis rubbish."

Aunty Mālia sigh, "I know, I know. I been meanin' fo' clean up, but I jus' no get da energy."

Leilani get one idea, "Eh, how 'bout we have one garage sale? Get rid of all da stuff we no need, make some extra cash, and finally make dis place look decent."

Aunty Mālia tink 'bout it, den nod her head, "Okay, sounds good. But we gotta organize everyting first, bumbai nobody goin' buy nothin'."

So dey spend da whole weekend goin' through da lepo. Dey find old toys, broken appliances, clothes dat neva fit no mo'. Dey even find one box of Aunty Mālia's old records from da 70s!

"Eh, Mama, you still get all dese?" Leilani ask, holdin' up one Elvis Presley album.

Aunty Mālia laugh, "Yeah, I used to love Elvis when I was yo' age. Take 'em if you like."

Finally, da garage stay clean. Everyting organized neatly on tables, ready fo' da sale.

Da next day, people start comin', lookin' fo' treasures in da lepo. Dey buy da old toys, da broken appliances (some people like fix 'em up, eh), even some of Aunty Mālia's records. By da end of da day, da garage stay almost empty, and Aunty Mālia's wallet stay little bit fatter.

"Mahalo fo' yo' help, Lei," Aunty Mālia tell her daughter. "Now, my garage no stay so lepo no mo'."

Leilani smile, "Anytime, Mama. And eh, maybe next time we can tackle da attic, yeah? I bet dea stay even mo' lepo up dea!"

Aunty Mālia laugh, "We see 'bout dat, Lei. One lepo place at a time!"