Pono Meaning

No be lolo, live pono.

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Pono in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: good, righteous, wholesome
USAGE: No be lolo, live pono.
ENGLISH: Don't be crazy or stupid, live a good life.
Now that you know what Pono means and you have the translation of Pono in English. You can learn about Hawaiian Pidgin, sometimes called Hawaiian Slang, is a colorful and creative dialect from Hawaii that emerged from the many ethnic cultures attempting to communicate across their diverse languages. Some might call this a language barrier, but in Hawaii it became a recipe for creativity and self-expression. Like know more? Explore Hawaiian Pidgin History

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Try wait, brah! Get one Pono story.

No be lolo, be pono

Kalani, he one good kid at heart, but sometimes, he get caught up in his own world, eh. He forget 'bout odda people's feelings, talk befo' he tink.

One day, his cuz Malia come ova' fo' play. She stay wearin' one new dress, all pretty and pink. Kalani take one look and start fo' laugh, "Eh, Malia, you look like one big cupcake in dat dress!"

Malia's face fall, her eyes start fo' water. She run inside da house, cryin' her heart out.

Kalani's mama, Aunty Hina, come out, lookin' mad. "Kalani, wat you wen' do to Malia? She stay cryin' her eyes out!"

Kalani shrug, "I jus' wen' joke wit' her 'bout her dress."

Aunty Hina shake her head, "Dass not one joke, Kalani. Dass mean. You gotta be mo' pono to odda people, eh. Tink 'bout how yo' words make dem feel."

Kalani feel shame now. He neva mean fo' hurt Malia's feelings. He go inside, find Malia in her room, still snifflin'.

"Eh, Malia, I sorry," he say, lookin' down at his feet. "I neva mean fo' make you cry."

Malia wipe her eyes, "It's okay, Kalani. But next time, tink befo' you talk, yeah?"

Kalani nod, "Rajah. I promise."

From dat day on, Kalani try his best fo' be mo' pono. He tink 'bout how his words and actions affect odda people, and he try fo' spread kindness instead of hurt. He learn dat bein' pono, it's not jus' 'bout bein' good to yourself, it's 'bout bein' good to everybody 'round you. And dass da true meaning of aloha, yeah?