Shishi Meaning

I drank too much da kine, gotta make shishi

Pidgin, brah! What's the meaning of Shishi in Hawaii?
DEFINITION: pee, #1, urine, piss
USAGE: I drank too much da kine, gotta make shishi
ENGLISH: I drank too many green bottles, I need to urinate
ALTERNATES: make shishi, shi shi, sheshe
Now that you know what Shishi means and you have the translation of Shishi in English. You can learn about Hawaiian Pidgin, sometimes called Hawaiian Slang, is a colorful and creative dialect from Hawaii that emerged from the many ethnic cultures attempting to communicate across their diverse languages. Some might call this a language barrier, but in Hawaii it became a recipe for creativity and self-expression. Like know more? Explore Hawaiian Pidgin History

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Try wait, brah! Get one Shishi story.

Too much coffee make shi shi

Eh, you guys know Malia from da office? Dat girl, she love her coffee, eh. Every morning, she come in wit' one giant mug, steam comin' out, and she no stop drinkin' 'til it's all pau.

But den, da problem start. Malia, she gotta make shi shi all da time! Every half hour, she disappear into da bathroom, leavin' her work all pilau on her desk.

One day, da boss lady, Mrs. Tanaka, call Malia into her office. "Malia," she say, wit' one serious look on her face, "I gotta talk to you 'bout yo' bathroom breaks."

Malia's face turn red, "Eh, sorry, Mrs. Tanaka. I know I go plenny times, but I no can help it."

Mrs. Tanaka raise one eyebrow, "You sure it's not all dat coffee you drinkin'?"

Malia look down at her empty mug, "Maybe small kine..."

Mrs. Tanaka sigh, "Malia, I appreciate yo' hard work, but dis gotta stop. You spendin' mo' time in da bathroom den at yo' desk. Bumbai you cut down on da coffee, you goin' gotta find one new job."

Malia's heart drop. She love her job, and she definitely no like da idea of findin' one new one.

"Okay, Mrs. Tanaka," she say, tryin' fo' sound sincere. "I goin' try my best."

From dat day on, Malia try fo' control her coffee habit. She switch to one smaller mug, and she even start drinkin' water in between. It stay hard, but slowly but surely, she start fo' make shi shi less often.

Her coworkers notice da change too. "Eh, Malia, you stay lookin' mo' relaxed dese days," one of dem say.

Malia smile, "Yeah, I guess I am. Less coffee, mo' work, yeah?"

Everybody laugh, and Malia feel good inside. She realize dat sometimes, you gotta make small kine sacrifices fo' da bigger picture. And even though she miss her giant mugs of coffee, she know it's worth it fo' keep her job and stay outta trouble wit' da boss lady.